

News 2025



The President and the Members of the CEOM Board wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2025 bring you happiness, health and success.
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The European Medical Organisations recognise the urgent need for immediate and coordinated action to tackle the health workforce crisis gripping Europe.
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News 2024

Following the board elections held during the CEOM Plenary meeting in Madeira on Friday, 11th October 2024, we are pleased to announce the composition of the new CEOM board for the 2024-2027 term
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Update on violence against and burnout among doctors, medical students and other health professionals
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The board members and the secretariat wish you all the best for 2022!
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News 2023

CGCOM and CEOM organize a European day against violence in healthcare
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News 2022

In July, WHO and UNICEF warned that the global vaccination coverage continued to decline in 2021, with 25 million children missing out on lifesaving vaccines.
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The board members and the secretariat wish you all the best for 2022!
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On the morning of the 24th of February the world woke up to unsettling news coming from Ukraine, which was under a sudden invasion by the Russian Armed Forces.
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Today we mark the 3rd European Awareness Day on violence against Doctors and other Health Professionals.
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News 2021

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At the plenary meeting on 29th October 2021, CEOM celebrates the 50th anniversary of its creation.
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The CEOM Board members for the 2021-2024* term are :
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Since spring 2020, the world has been facing a major health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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News 2020

HPCB strives to contribute to patient safety by working together with professional healthcare regulators within Europe to promote effective regulatory collaboration of cross-border healthcare and free movement of healthcare professionals.
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CEOM conducted a survey on national teleconsultation practice and protection of healthcare staff in European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Following the alarming reports of cases of violence, discrimination and exclusion that physicians and other healthcare professionals across Europe have been facing because of the fear they will spread the Coronavirus, European Medical Organisations reaffirm that they stand in complete solidarity with their colleagues who are in the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Given all the reports on the current situation about the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic in several EU countries and on the situation of physicians and other healthcare workers, AEMH and FEMS adopted a Joint Statement on COVID-19 that has been endorsed by CEOM.
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