European Medical Organisations (EMOs)
AEMH : European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians
CPME : Standing Committee of European Doctors
EANA : European working group of practitioners and specialists in free practice
EJD : European Junior Doctors Permanent Working Group
EMSA : European Medical Students Association
FEMS : European Federation of Salaried Doctors
UEMO : European Union of general practioners/Family physicians
UEMS : European Union of Medical specialists
ZEVA : Symposium of the Central and Eastern European Chambers of Physicians
and : the website of the EMOS.
Other European and international medical organisations
AMM: World Medical Association
TRREE project: On-line training programme on the ethics and regulation of health research involving human participants - Presentation of the project
HPCB: Healthcare Professionals Crossing Borders
EFMA: European Forum of Medical Associations
ENMCA: European Network of Medical Competent Authorities
CAMDOC Alliance: Alliance of European associations of medical doctors practicing complementary and alternative medicines
JA: Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting