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Article 1
The purpose of the CEOM is to promote within Europe the practice of high quality medicine respectful of patients.
To this end, it develops cooperation between its participating organisations and lends support to their action by developing quality standards and common positions relating to:
- medical ethics and professional conduct
- free movement of healthcare professionals
- medical demography
- medical regulation
- professional training of physicians
- public health issues related to these subjects
The purpose of the CEOM is to promote within Europe the practice of high quality medicine respectful of patients.
To this end, it develops cooperation between its participating organisations and lends support to their action by developing quality standards and common positions relating to:
- medical ethics and professional conduct
- free movement of healthcare professionals
- medical demography
- medical regulation
- professional training of physicians
- public health issues related to these subjects
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Article 2
The CEOM brings together the european Medical Councils and the independent medical regulatory authorities responsible for either:
- ethics and professional conduct
- registration or licensing procedures
- disciplinary matters regarding physicians
- recognition of qualifications and levels of specialty
- authorization to practice
- setting of professional standards.
Article 3
Any candidacy to participate has to meet the criteria defined in article 2 and to be addressed to the secretariat of the CEOM.
Designation as a participating organisation is subject to approval by the CEOM, in a plenary meeting, no later than six months after the introduction of candidacy.
The CEOM brings together the european Medical Councils and the independent medical regulatory authorities responsible for either:
- ethics and professional conduct
- registration or licensing procedures
- disciplinary matters regarding physicians
- recognition of qualifications and levels of specialty
- authorization to practice
- setting of professional standards.
Article 3
Any candidacy to participate has to meet the criteria defined in article 2 and to be addressed to the secretariat of the CEOM.
Designation as a participating organisation is subject to approval by the CEOM, in a plenary meeting, no later than six months after the introduction of candidacy.
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Article 4
The Board of the CEOM comprises the President, the First Vice-President, three Vice-Presidents and a Secretary General, preferably physicians, elected among the participating organisations in the CEOM.
Each participating organisation cannot hold more than one mandate in the Board of the CEOM.
The Secretariat function is provided by the French Medical Council which designates the Secretary General.
Article 5
The President represents the CEOM. He/she speaks on behalf of the CEOM, within the limits of the positions taken by it and after having informed the other members of the Board; the President informs participating organisations of his/her interventions.
He/she chairs the plenary meetings and the board meetings.
Article 6
In addition to his/her role as Board member, the First Vice-President assumes responsibility for the tasks incumbent on the President in the event that the President is absent or unable to perform these.
Article 7
The Board coordinates the work of the CEOM.
Article 8
The Board members are elected for a three year term.
Article 9
Election of Board Members takes place at the plenary meeting in the spring of the last year of the current mandates. The mandate end and start dates correspond to the election date.
Article 10
Candidatures have to be sent in writing to the President of the CEOM not later than at the time of the election.
The participating organisation from which the candidate is originated must have given his agreement for the candidature.
Article 11
Election takes place in a plenary meeting, with a separate vote taken for each of the mandates, in a secret ballot. The candidates are elected by a majority of the present participating organizations. Majority means half of the votes plus one. Abstentions, blank and spoilt ballots papers are not taken into account in the calculation of the majority.
If none of the candidates obtain a simple majority vote, a second ballot ensues between the two candidates having obtained the most votes. In the event of a tied vote, the candidate is designated by drawing lots.
If there is only one candidate for a position, he/she is automatically designated.
Article 12
In compliance with Article 22, each participating organisation has one vote, with a maximum of one vote per country. A participating organisation unable to attend a plenary meeting may assign voting authority to another participating organisation. A participating organisation may not hold more than one such proxy.
Article 13
Each Board Member, irrespective of his/her position in the Board, may have his/her mandate withdrawn at a plenary meeting, on a two-thirds majority vote, for a demeanour seriously undermining the CEOM, a conflict of interest, non-fulfillment of his/her functions or as a result of a criminal or disciplinary sentence.
Article 14
When it is definitively impossible for a Board Member to fulfill his/her functions, or if he/she resigns, a replacement shall be sought in a plenary meeting, in compliance with articles 10, 11 and 12, in order to fill the vacant position.
Article 15
The Board performs the CEOM’s daily activity; it takes all the necessary measures to prepare the plenary meetings and decisions of the CEOM and to implement these.
Article 16
Should it be necessary, the CEOM’s Board can prepare official positions taken by the CEOM, including any possible joint statements made with the European Medical Organisations (EMOs) and submit these to participating organisations beforehand for comments and validation by simple majority vote. Except in cases of justified urgency, participating organisations of the CEOM have three weeks to reply to the submission; no response is equivalent to agreement.
Article 17
The Board can only meet legitimately in the presence of four of its Members.
It meets at least once before each plenary meeting and as often as necessary. The President fixes the meeting dates, in agreement with the other Board Members.
The meeting can take place via video conference.
Article 18
The minutes of each Board meeting are sent, in English and in French, to all participating organisations of the CEOM in the month following the meeting.
Article 19
The Board is assisted by its Secretariat in the fulfillment of its missions.
The Board of the CEOM comprises the President, the First Vice-President, three Vice-Presidents and a Secretary General, preferably physicians, elected among the participating organisations in the CEOM.
Each participating organisation cannot hold more than one mandate in the Board of the CEOM.
The Secretariat function is provided by the French Medical Council which designates the Secretary General.
Article 5
The President represents the CEOM. He/she speaks on behalf of the CEOM, within the limits of the positions taken by it and after having informed the other members of the Board; the President informs participating organisations of his/her interventions.
He/she chairs the plenary meetings and the board meetings.
Article 6
In addition to his/her role as Board member, the First Vice-President assumes responsibility for the tasks incumbent on the President in the event that the President is absent or unable to perform these.
Article 7
The Board coordinates the work of the CEOM.
Article 8
The Board members are elected for a three year term.
Article 9
Election of Board Members takes place at the plenary meeting in the spring of the last year of the current mandates. The mandate end and start dates correspond to the election date.
Article 10
Candidatures have to be sent in writing to the President of the CEOM not later than at the time of the election.
The participating organisation from which the candidate is originated must have given his agreement for the candidature.
Article 11
Election takes place in a plenary meeting, with a separate vote taken for each of the mandates, in a secret ballot. The candidates are elected by a majority of the present participating organizations. Majority means half of the votes plus one. Abstentions, blank and spoilt ballots papers are not taken into account in the calculation of the majority.
If none of the candidates obtain a simple majority vote, a second ballot ensues between the two candidates having obtained the most votes. In the event of a tied vote, the candidate is designated by drawing lots.
If there is only one candidate for a position, he/she is automatically designated.
Article 12
In compliance with Article 22, each participating organisation has one vote, with a maximum of one vote per country. A participating organisation unable to attend a plenary meeting may assign voting authority to another participating organisation. A participating organisation may not hold more than one such proxy.
Article 13
Each Board Member, irrespective of his/her position in the Board, may have his/her mandate withdrawn at a plenary meeting, on a two-thirds majority vote, for a demeanour seriously undermining the CEOM, a conflict of interest, non-fulfillment of his/her functions or as a result of a criminal or disciplinary sentence.
Article 14
When it is definitively impossible for a Board Member to fulfill his/her functions, or if he/she resigns, a replacement shall be sought in a plenary meeting, in compliance with articles 10, 11 and 12, in order to fill the vacant position.
Article 15
The Board performs the CEOM’s daily activity; it takes all the necessary measures to prepare the plenary meetings and decisions of the CEOM and to implement these.
Article 16
Should it be necessary, the CEOM’s Board can prepare official positions taken by the CEOM, including any possible joint statements made with the European Medical Organisations (EMOs) and submit these to participating organisations beforehand for comments and validation by simple majority vote. Except in cases of justified urgency, participating organisations of the CEOM have three weeks to reply to the submission; no response is equivalent to agreement.
Article 17
The Board can only meet legitimately in the presence of four of its Members.
It meets at least once before each plenary meeting and as often as necessary. The President fixes the meeting dates, in agreement with the other Board Members.
The meeting can take place via video conference.
Article 18
The minutes of each Board meeting are sent, in English and in French, to all participating organisations of the CEOM in the month following the meeting.
Article 19
The Board is assisted by its Secretariat in the fulfillment of its missions.
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Article 20
The CEOM holds a plenary meeting twice a year.
Article 21
A plenary meeting is legitimate in the presence of at least half of its participating organisations.
Article 22
The decisions and positions of the CEOM are taken in plenary meetings on a simple majority of the votes of those participating organisations present.
Each participating organisation has one vote, with a maximum of one vote per country.
A participating organisation unable to attend a plenary meeting may grant proxy to another participating organisation, making specific reference to the meeting date and those items on the agenda for which the participating organisation grants proxy. A participating organisation may not hold more than one such proxy.
Article 23
The decisions and positions of the CEOM are expressed in the form that appears the most appropriate.
Article 24
Participating organisations are informed of the plenary meeting dates at least four months in advance.
Article 25
The agenda for the plenary meetings is prepared by the Board and sent to the participating organisations at least one month before the meeting, except in urgent cases. The agenda includes all the necessary documents for examining matters to be dealt with.
Article 26
If it is deemed necessary, the President may add to an agenda any urgent matter that he/she deems useful or that is requested by a participating organisation, as long as it is compatible with the agenda.
Article 27
Working groups on specific subjects may be formed within the CEOM at a plenary meeting. These working groups define their methodology in agreement with the Board ; they report on the state of progress of their work at each plenary meeting.
Article 28
Observers may attend, in whole or in part, the plenary meetings at the invitation of the CEOM’s Board.
They don’t attend the elections and the discussions concerning internal organisation of the CEOM.
Article 29
External contributors may be invited by the Board to speak at a meeting and to provide their expertise to CEOM participating organisations.
Article 30
The minutes of each plenary meeting are sent, in English and in French, to all participating organisations of the CEOM in the month following the meeting.
The CEOM holds a plenary meeting twice a year.
Article 21
A plenary meeting is legitimate in the presence of at least half of its participating organisations.
Article 22
The decisions and positions of the CEOM are taken in plenary meetings on a simple majority of the votes of those participating organisations present.
Each participating organisation has one vote, with a maximum of one vote per country.
A participating organisation unable to attend a plenary meeting may grant proxy to another participating organisation, making specific reference to the meeting date and those items on the agenda for which the participating organisation grants proxy. A participating organisation may not hold more than one such proxy.
Article 23
The decisions and positions of the CEOM are expressed in the form that appears the most appropriate.
Article 24
Participating organisations are informed of the plenary meeting dates at least four months in advance.
Article 25
The agenda for the plenary meetings is prepared by the Board and sent to the participating organisations at least one month before the meeting, except in urgent cases. The agenda includes all the necessary documents for examining matters to be dealt with.
Article 26
If it is deemed necessary, the President may add to an agenda any urgent matter that he/she deems useful or that is requested by a participating organisation, as long as it is compatible with the agenda.
Article 27
Working groups on specific subjects may be formed within the CEOM at a plenary meeting. These working groups define their methodology in agreement with the Board ; they report on the state of progress of their work at each plenary meeting.
Article 28
Observers may attend, in whole or in part, the plenary meetings at the invitation of the CEOM’s Board.
They don’t attend the elections and the discussions concerning internal organisation of the CEOM.
Article 29
External contributors may be invited by the Board to speak at a meeting and to provide their expertise to CEOM participating organisations.
Article 30
The minutes of each plenary meeting are sent, in English and in French, to all participating organisations of the CEOM in the month following the meeting.
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Article 31
The working languages of the CEOM are French and English. Working documents are available in both languages and there is interpretation into both languages at meetings.
Article 32
The CEOM logo, the contact details of its Secretariat and its website address must appear in all CEOM communications.
If the CEOM is a joint signatory to a document, at least its logo must appear.
Article 33
Documents are communicated to participating organisations preferably via email.
The working languages of the CEOM are French and English. Working documents are available in both languages and there is interpretation into both languages at meetings.
Article 32
The CEOM logo, the contact details of its Secretariat and its website address must appear in all CEOM communications.
If the CEOM is a joint signatory to a document, at least its logo must appear.
Article 33
Documents are communicated to participating organisations preferably via email.
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Article 34
This Agreement replaces the preceding articles of association and comes into force on the 10th of June 2011.
Article 35
This Agreement may be modified in a plenary meeting if at least two-thirds of the participating organisations are present and on a two-thirds majority vote of those participating organisations present. Abstentions, blank and spoilt ballots papers are not taken into account in the calculation of the majority.
It will be assessed or updated within three years after approval of this agreement and, subsequently, on a regular basis.
Except in cases of extreme urgency and the unanimous agreement of participating organisations, it is imperative that any modification to the Agreement be placed on the agenda one month before the meeting by the Board or by a participating organisation.
This Agreement replaces the preceding articles of association and comes into force on the 10th of June 2011.
Article 35
This Agreement may be modified in a plenary meeting if at least two-thirds of the participating organisations are present and on a two-thirds majority vote of those participating organisations present. Abstentions, blank and spoilt ballots papers are not taken into account in the calculation of the majority.
It will be assessed or updated within three years after approval of this agreement and, subsequently, on a regular basis.
Except in cases of extreme urgency and the unanimous agreement of participating organisations, it is imperative that any modification to the Agreement be placed on the agenda one month before the meeting by the Board or by a participating organisation.