Update on violence against and burnout among doctors, medical students and other health professionals
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12 March–European awareness day on violence against doctors and other health professionals
A. Considering a unanimous observation, by medical associations in Europe, of an increase of verbal and physical aggressions.
B. The inflation of violence is the reflex of the incapacity of the healthcare systems to face new health paradigm.
C. All health professionals have the right to work in a safe environment, with no physical or psychological risks.
CEOM/EMOs propose 12 key points for the future, to improve and avoid the harmful consequences of violence and burnout among doctors, medical students, and other health workers:
1. We strongly require a zero-tolerance policy towards violence in the workplaces.
2. We must encourage doctors and healthcare workers to report acts of violence against them.
3. Continue awareness-raising campaigns on assaults on health workers and their consequences.
4. Strengthen preventive measures by increasing security measures in healthcare.
5. Develop, on the part of the administrations, training, and coaching on how to deal with verbal, physical or psychological violence and possible basis on burnout.
6. Consider professional burnout as a type of psychosocial violence that doctors, and medical students face in their workplace. (As recognized by European Medical organizations)
7. Leadership development as a way of improving work conditions, better physician-patient relationship and decrease the incidence of violence/burnout. We must develop, at the level of the health services management, a culture of consideration and recognition of the violence against health professionals.
8. Strengthen communication and agreements with health Administrations, the Public Prosecutor's Offices, and the State Security Forces for a comprehensive approach to the aggressions.
9. Call for the enactment of a specific law and considerer priority crimes to address violence in the health sector.
10. Ensure that judicial procedures are swift, expeditious and exemplary.
11. As approved at the last EMOs meeting in Paris on 24 November 2023, we must disseminate and implement in the Member States our unified European form to collect data on violence against doctors and their staff.
12. Promote resilience.