Violence at work

CEOM actions


The European Observatory on Violence against Doctors


Observatory objectives


On June 23, 2017, the European Observatory on Violence against Doctors was created at the initiative of CEOM President Dr. José SANTOS.


The Observatory aims to:


  • Gather objective data on cases of violence (location, type of practice, type of violence, perpetrator profile, etc.) to arrive at an accurate assessment of needs, followed by effective proposals for action.
  • Map existing national mechanisms for dealing with cases of violence
  • Prioritize the exchange of preventive tools, paving the way for experience sharing
  • Take concrete action by adopting an official position for doctors and healthcare professionals, the general public and the authorities


How we work


► A working group has been set up, led by Dr Roland KERZMANN as rapporteur and comprising representatives of the European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians  (AEMH).



External communication


CEOM Secretary General, Dr. Jean-François RAULT, has published an article presenting the Observatoire sur les Violences envers les Médecins, in the 46th edition of Actualités des Professionnels de santé transfrontaliers (Winter 2019).


March 12, European Awareness Day on violence against doctors and other healthcare professionals


On March 12, 2020, we introduced the very 1st European Day to raise awareness of violence against doctors and other healthcare professionals. These professionals are increasingly confronted with situations of violence, sometimes extreme, in their daily practice, even outside any context of conflict. This concerns us all. Patient safety and quality of care are threatened if healthcare professionals are confronted with such risks.

The European Medical Organizations have called on governments and all stakeholders to respond to the urgent need to protect medical staff in the performance of their duties. As a priority, the enforcement of existing laws against violence against doctors and other healthcare professionals must be improved. To this end, we have called for the establishment of effective national alert mechanisms throughout Europe. We have also called for the implementation of violence prevention and victim assistance programs. We called for determined action to guarantee access to quality care for all patients, while protecting the freedom and safety of medical staff.


Download the Joint Declaration of the European Medical Organisations on violence against doctors and other healthcare professionals


International framework for combating violence against doctors and other healthcare professionals


The World Medical Association's position statement on violence and health was recently revised by the WMA's 70th General Assembly in Tbilisi, (Georgia), in October 2019

On October 28, 2019, the World Medical Association issued a press release concerning violence against doctors and healthcare professionals, following the rise of a wave of violence reported in Central and South America, India, Bangladesh and Germany. "Violence has become a public health challenge", says WMA President Dr Miguel JORGE.

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June 7th
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Tirana, Albania
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Presentation by the European Association of Senior Hospital Doctors (AEMH) on violence against doctors
Violence against doctors
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November 30th
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Madrid, Spain
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Preparatory presentation of the CEOM Declaration on Violence against Physicians and Health Professionals - Dr. Roland KERZMANN, 1st Vice President of CEOM
CEOM Declaration on Violence against Physicians and Health Professionals
Statement on violence against doctors and health professionnals - 30-11-2018
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June 15th
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Timisoara, Romania
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Presentation of the Portuguese Medical Association, by Dr. J. DE DEUS, President of FEMS

News from Dr. R. KERZMANN, 1st Vice-President of CEOM
Workplace violence in health sector 2018